Anatomy of the Work

A movement of exploration toward embodied Health, igniting the Tools of Insight through Living Dreamwork

– A committed journey of 3 moon cycles, from November 13, 2023 – February 9th, 2024

– Guided practices for daily, weekly, and monthly integrations

– 1 personal deepening session with Eleanore per month

– Fortnightly zoom gatherings in the circle of woman. These are scheduled for

Join us on the journey

7pm, (AEDT), on Fridays, dates are:

A pathway of Activating the deeper practices of Deep Listening – to the hum of Soul, both as individuals and unified allies of the Collective Hive


The Rivers of Learning

An exposure of the Arts of Dreaming within the Web of Woman

ϡ Foundational practices of dreamwork to gain an embodied knowing of self across various levels of time and space.

ϡ Cultivation of detail toward the skillset for sleep dreams, lucid dreaming and 3D dreamer walks.

ϡ Rebalancing of soul life in gathering attention to the communion of wholeness. This is carried through by the rekindling of connection to inner child, animal spirit, ancestral spirit, higher self and vital energy.

ϡ How to regulate our own energy sytem and health of mind through elemental embodiment.

ϡ Tools of learning through the relational prayerfield, within the container of a women’s circle.

ϡ How to engage with Dreamwalking as a way to activate a fulfilling approach to our own unique purpose in daily life.

ϡ Foundational breathing and rhythm cycles to carry us in and out of trance.

ϡ Living in Alliance. Fortifying the centre through animistic approach. Unveiling a deeper kinship with life by strengthening connections of spirit allies, including the peoples of stone, plant and animal kingdoms.

ϡ Gathering the teachings from your Dreamlife to weave the threads for a tapestry of your own Creative Genius.

ϡ Keeping the altars of the womb cycle in deep care, maintaining devotion to the Waters of Origin.

ϡ Navigation of various timelines through premonition, oracular arts and obedience to the calendars.

Your Guide

A returning to the raw remembering of Soul Life, beyond time and space

Embodiment facilitator, healing practitioner, mentor and dreamwalker, Eleanore holds a unique container for the reclamation of our innate wellbeing. Her approach bridges a sincere depth with humble innocence, curiosity and a sense of adventure for the wild Unknown.

She offers her living prayer to the cycles of beauty and the regenerating Songs of Origin that abide here.

Eleanore feels privileged by the ongoing instruction and training she receives from individuals considered to be aligned in Mastery as keepers of their own ancient lineages. Strongly informed by the indigenous perspectives and work with Dreaming, this course is her response to the educations and Initiations received by her Elders.

The work of Dreaming to access guidance, spiritual allies, sacred knowledge and lore, ancestral relationships, premonitions, lucid dreamstates and insight to her own kinship with life, is a practice Eleanore has been walking with since childhood. She considers this work vital practice for the balance of a regenerative culture.


$500 one time payment or $180 per month

The core of this circle will be held in a potent containment and activation. Commitment to this work opens us to inner initiations within the collective prayer of this becoming. For this reason, once committment is made, it is required to be maintained for the duration of the journey.

Zoom meetings will be recorded for days that one may not be able to attend in person. Please know that whether you are able to make it to these gatherings at the designated time or not, you are held within the sacred togethering of our circle.

By the nature of this exploration, we learn deeply from one another through the subtle and silent fields, as much as by what is shared in speech. It is a rekindling of relationship to language through the word, and beyond it. May we be kind with ourselves and one another, honouring the evolution inherent within each woman.

The amount of time given to the practices shared will be unique to each individual. Much of the learning is in the movement upon the bridge between the worlds. You can weave this work into your daily lives in a way that feels accessible and supportive for the rhythms already in place.

This path is a gift for the renewal of personal power. When we join this circle of stepping, know that there are Unseen forces in active support of our journey, and commitment is as much to the elemental whole that keeps Balance here, as it is to the container we share as humans.


A map to activate the art of awakening, embody the sweetness of alignment with the centre, and open to a deepening of dialogue with the subtle language of soul.

Join us on the journey